Welcome to Sponsor Seeker

Sponsor Seeker is the UK’s biggest online marketplace for sponsorship opportunities in Sports, Arts, Events and Charities.

There are hundreds of great opportunities available – so come on in and take a look at what’s happening.

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Easily find the right opportunity to suit your company’s aims and objectives. from our extensive database of sponsorship and partnership opportunities from sports to charities and events to the arts.

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Start your sponsorship journey today with Sponsor Seeker

At Sponsor Seeker, we are passionate about great sponsorship, whether you are searching for a new sponsor for your team, or a brand looking for the right opportunity to align your name to, we can help.

Our expertise lie in matching the aims and objectives of a potential sponsor to the perfect opportunity in the marketplace. We want to help sports, charities, events and talented artists take that next step by finding a sponsor to help elevate you to the next level in your chosen field.

We make great partnerships happen – call us today to find out more 0330 043 1894

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  • In a pivotal move set to turbocharge his racing career, upcoming motorsport sensation Sam Shaw is thrilled to announce his partnership with leading sponsorship agency Sponsor Seeker. As Sam gears up to make a splash in the 2024 Radical Cup UK, this strategic collaboration aims......

  • The Women’s Super League and Women’s Championship are on the verge of securing a record sponsorship deal, with Barclays set to double its investment in the two leagues. Telegraph Sport understands the bank will pay roughly £9 million per season for the new title sponsorship rights alone.......

  • France’s top soccer league is on the brink of a monumental sponsorship deal, as they set to adopt a new identity as the McDonald’s Ligue 1 from July 1. This ground-breaking shift comes as a result of a historic three-year sponsorship deal inked between the......